Everyone should find a passion

What about training

“I know that this may sound stigmatizing, but normal people with passions live a fuller life compared to those that don’t. Slightly redder cheeks, messy hair, and a radiant feeling that indicates life lived with energy and joy. Those without current passions should not feel forced to experience these qualities, however those that have something to look forward to often live life through an extra dimension. Personally, my passion is sports and athletics in any form. I am not saying that other aspects of life pass me by if they don’t revolve around sports, but I like to have something that I constantly look forward to. Different parts of the year bring different championships and tournaments. There is always something on, however there is now an exception. Before I sit down as a spectator, I must complete a training session in advance. This a matter of honor and principle, which is just as sacred as the Bible.”

lidenskap på tredemøllen

Old merits, same goal

“Previously in life, there was no need to make rules such as this. I was an athlete and trained every day, eating whatever I wanted. My weight and physical health were always stable. Now my situation is completely different. I have stopped playing, my football cleats, shorts, and schedule no longer apply. The youth have overtaken us, and us seniors need to be more vigilant. Although the body can’t keep up, my interests are as strong as ever. You will now find me on the couch watching the TV when the world top athletes are competing. I do my best no to miss anything. However, I do not allow myself to sit down and watch unless my training session has been completed. The training must be finished before the TV is turned or even the World Cup whistle is blown. I don’t give myself access to the remote or the chair if I have not worked out at the training center or outside. It is a standard procedure. Sneakers before slippers. Never a match at Ullevaal, Komplett or in front of the TV before I have trained.

My passion

“And here comes my passion. I will never play in a match again, but I allow myself to reminisce. When I sit on spin bicycle, I picture myself on the mountain tops of the alps. When I run (stumble) on the treadmill I close my eyes and picture myself in between the Ingebrigsten brothers on the last lap of the 5000-meter race. Interestingly, these visual fantasies allow me to push myself through the tough exercises. Especially on the hard days. Best of all, whatever the weather, I treat myself to a warm cup of coffee, fresh bread, eggs, and World Cup skating on the TV. I realize that the feeling of anxiety and excitement are still there even for the starting shot before the Hamar-OL Amfi. I am so appreciative of the childish passion I have of athletics. It luckily never goes away.”

trene før tv tid

Different passions

“To protect my image and defend myself a little bit, I have to mention how literature, history, politics, music, film, and theater are also aspects that are a part of my list of values. I do not know if my passion for sports is completely natural, it may even be diagnosable. However, I can also be engulfed in a novel, living through the characters and I end up not putting the book down until the final page is read. I easily get irritated due to the unchangeable fact that the author did not add more pages to the book. Also, If I am sitting with others that are listening to music that pull on my heart strings, I often tear up. Another thing those close to me make fun of. This also connects to my life of passion. It is important for me to show that I have different layers to me other than someone who is only infatuated with sports.


“Exercise and training have also been added to my list of passions. There was a significant gap between my playing career and my passion of training later in life. It was an on and off relationship, with some instances being more off than on. Now it is out of the realm of possibilities for me to leave vacancies in my training diary. One way or another, training and exercise will be carried out every day. This is a motto that I have lived by recently. Before I needed to add a rest day, an important thing that I would recommend others doing as well. After a while your physical form increases, and it is better to add a hard day of exercise followed by an easier session the following day. Either way, something is added to my training diary every day. After I think about it, there are worse things to be dependent on.”

Les fastlege Hans Jacob Gravdal og EviBase sin erfaring med trening som medisin!

Discussion with yourself

“I am not saying that sports and athletics are the only passions that apply, but something that makes your heart race is important to have. It can be whatever you want but do what I did and set some daily ground rules with yourself. Train first, whether you are going to the movies, a concert, cooking lesson, café, theater, etc. Work through a training session before you reward yourself. I am not saying that everyone should be as ‘crazy’ as me, but I plan out my days in advance. If I am going to Oslo, I will not leave before I have been to the training center. Even if it is before the birds have woken up. If I am flying out of Torp, I will incorporate a spin session at 06.30 before my flight. My extreme passion for sports has finally included myself as well. If am to watch the Skiing World Cup live on TV, I make sure that I have completed one of the stages myself before the starting gun shot fires.”